Primarily a Trick or Treat, this event is perfect for younger kids. Kids will be prompted by actors to say “trick or treat” and would appreciate the help from parents. 100% contactless, Trick or Treat bags remain on the outside of the vehicles. Costumes do not use blood or gore, but the costumes are professional and may not sit well with some toddlers.
100% Contactless trick or treat! Drive thru and enjoy some return to normalcy. The lighting and decorations are sure to delight and bring you into the festivity of Halloween season. Your child will be greeted by costumed actors at many different stations. Actors are looking to hear those magic words… “Trick or Treat” and hopefully mom and dad can give them a hand. All candies are store bought and packaged.
Parents, what you need to know:
I would really recommend watching the video on this website. It will give you some insight on to what you can expect on the trick or treat run.
1 trick or treat bag comes with a ticket. You may purchase more than 1, if you have more than 1 child in your car. It is not required. However, actors will engage with everyone sitting in a window that has a trick or treat bag. Candies only given and placed by actors into our Event bags.
This is about a 20 minute course. No one will be allowed to exit their vehicle at anytime during the trick or treat session. We ask that you do the following
- Keep Windows Rolled Up Always
- Keep Doors Locked Always
- Follow Crew Member Instructions
- Look for Signs that tell you to turn to a radio station.
Drivers! You will be asked to STOP, PARK and TURN OFF your vehicle repeatedly. Please do as instructed. Actors cannot approach your car until instructions are followed. This is for your safety, the safety of our actors and just as important… for our insurance coverage.
Most Importantly, have fun. Don’t forget to watch the video to get a better grasp if this activity is right for your child. Thank you!